Friday, 15 April 2011

Are you unemployable ? good luck as nobody cares...

I think I am unemployable, I also think there are answers to this, but so far the education system, the government and most people that claim to help, provide help of a sort, but many "Poverty Pimps" (private contractors like a4e and atos) are just out to force people into low waged work and imply people that don't except/take their 'place' and act as servants to others are lazy and selfish.

If you are anything like me, you see these choices, you may get a low waged job (the low wage isn't really the issue) the attitude of others is.

It is a vicious circle that cutting welfare can't cure, the unemployable like me are ALWAYS doomed to failure in a traditional job, then back to benefits at reduced rates for being too thick to defend yourself mentally from work yobs.

Imagine you are trying to find a path to living independently, not relying on top ups from the state, paying your fair share of tax, and enjoying your job, is this a job/work utopia or what ?

Have you ever had people say things about a job or work you are thinking of doing ?

" you'll never make any money doing that"

" you must be stupid to want to work for THAT wage"

"how is doing that ever going to pay your rent ? get out in the real world"

Maybe you stop telling the 'toxic' people your ideas for jobs and just go for it - but then you get into the work place you meet new work colleagues and guess what ?
...they HATE their boss, they hate their working life, they are "all in it together" suffering and become bullies and/or emotional wrecks.

There are these nasty people in ALL workplaces, draining hope, (just like internet trolls/ghouls do) they get off on draining you of self respect, happiness, they brown nose the boss, they tell tales, they whisper about you to others under their breath, they laugh at you, not with you, they are soul destroyers and vulnerable people are their favourite targets.

Some will tell you, you are brain dead, you are slow, you are less of a person than them, but you are trapped with them so it's hard luck, you will have to put up with it wearing you down day by day, hour by hour or quit to escape the hell hole populated with nasty humans.

Some people, trapped like this turn violent and KILL, some become withdrawn, some kill themselves as the are told by everyone they are not worth the money they are being paid for the work they do.

This is allowed to happen, authority figures are either in on it, ignore it or are in complete denial of it.

Work/Life Stress is still seen as fake by many people - Ian Duncan Smith and David Cameron had a 'laugh' about comments where he referred to people without jobs as lazy, live on TV, in front of the press, reinforcing the stereotype 'workshy people' that are, of course thick and selfish like the papers say every day... It's not Fucking Funny you muppets, governments and wealthy people don't earn respect by joking at the expense of the poor - you are unprofessional, I'd fire you if I were Alan Sugar.

Are YOU being made to feel like worthless scum in the work place, by family or society ? Let me know in the comments below. (Politicians need not apply, you are paid to be hated, you can't take from the poor and expect to be liked by many people for long)

I happen to think that many of these problems could be solved if proper people management was carried out, job centres FAIL to help people that feel bullied - most private contractors like A4E, ATOS, SERCO (in UK) are trained to manage people in batches like non feeling sheep, machines without souls, prisoners, flabby units of minimal value, get enough unemployable into jobs (they are unlikely to keep very long due to bullying) and get a commission, pats on the back from government.

IT IS ALL BULLSHIT! (read that back to your self again)

I think self employment from home with correct support could solve many of the work related problems, providing work with dignity, not bullying is the KEY when are governments going to spare the rod ? - We are beaten mentally by people every day, spiteful people that say they are right, that enjoy power over others - when is work going to be separated from these bullies? violent groups like 'black bloc' are a manifestation of mental anger, made into reality.

Groups like this will always pop up when people feel trapped or repressed.

Self employment is the only open route of possibility of earning cash in a controlled way in my opinion - so anyone that slags off self employment to me is wasting their time - I would rather work for a penny an hour then work for a nasty controlling creep of a boss/overseer or work with bitchy bullies any day! 

Penny an hour doesn't pay the rent, so need to collect more pennies, nobody will help directly so many like me are essentially are left alone, to wonder if any of it is worth it - save 4k you can travel to dignitas and be put down, is that the dignity governments really want ? - it's looks that way, to me at least.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Basic Information

by Julie Bishop
JobHop - Hop to your dream job today!
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